Artist: Elissa (اليسا )
Album: Halet Hob
Hob Kol Hayati
حب كل حياتى لقيتة وقلبى خلاص اختار
واخيرا انا فرحة عمرى بعيشها ليل ونهار
وانت جنبى لاول مرة بحس براحة بال
قلى نفسى اقولة عليك غير اى كلام يتقال
كل غالى يهون ياحبيبى فداك
ويهمنى اية غير انى معاك
اية معنى الدنيا دة غير وياك
دة الغالى يهون ياحبيبى فداك
ويهمنى اية غير انى معاك
اية معنى الدنيا دة غير وياك
واخيرا انا فرحة عمرى بعيشها ليل ونهار
وانت جنبى لاول مرة بحس براحة بال
قلى نفسى اقولة عليك غير اى كلام يتقال
كل غالى يهون ياحبيبى فداك
ويهمنى اية غير انى معاك
اية معنى الدنيا دة غير وياك
دة الغالى يهون ياحبيبى فداك
ويهمنى اية غير انى معاك
اية معنى الدنيا دة غير وياك
كل ليلة بتتعاش جنبك بالنسبالى خيال
جوة منك غلاوتك دايما قلبى على دة الحال
انت اول حب واخر حب هعيش وياة
واللى بينى وبينك احساس اكبر من معناة
كل غالى يهون ياحبيبى فداك
ويهمنى اية غير انى معاك
اية معنى الدنيا دة غير وياك
I found the love of my life and I choose to be
Finally, I am living a happy day and night
When I feel you near me peace
From what I can tell you that with all my previous statements vary
Nothing is impossible in the way you
What could be more important than the fact that I'm with you
The world has no other meaning except that we're together
Nothing is impossible in the way you
What could be more important than the fact that I'm with you
The world has no other meaning except that we're together
Every night I spend with you is like a dream
Your precious carved forever in my heart
You're the first and last love I'm living
Something that we feel is going beyond the words
Nothing is impossible in the way you
What could be more important than the fact that I'm with you
The world has no other meaning except that we're together
Finally, I am living a happy day and night
When I feel you near me peace
From what I can tell you that with all my previous statements vary
Nothing is impossible in the way you
What could be more important than the fact that I'm with you
The world has no other meaning except that we're together
Nothing is impossible in the way you
What could be more important than the fact that I'm with you
The world has no other meaning except that we're together
Every night I spend with you is like a dream
Your precious carved forever in my heart
You're the first and last love I'm living
Something that we feel is going beyond the words
Nothing is impossible in the way you
What could be more important than the fact that I'm with you
The world has no other meaning except that we're together
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